Dec 29, 2010


Following any traditions not made by Yahveh and celebrating them as a “holy-day” is following man-made traditions/rules and mocking what is holy. We have been warned. Yahveh doesn’t want this kind of worship. It is useless to him. He wants his people to worship in him the way and on the days he set apart and appointed.

Thus by your tradition you make null and void the word of God! You hypocrites! Yesha`yahu [Isaiah] was right when he prophesied about you, `These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from me. 9 Their worship of me is useless, because they teach man-made rules as if they were doctrines.’”{Matthew 15:5-9}

Yahveh is the only one who can make a holy-day [read: holidays], not man, and he instructed his people in Deuteromony about adopting pagan customs to honour him.

You reject all who stray from your laws, for what they deceive themselves with is false. {Psalms 119: 118}

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